The Corporate Fail

Corporate Crime, Misconduct and Regulation

Tag: Investigation

Corporate Crime Insights: Researching Corporate Crime – Perils for the Sole Interviewer

The celebrated academic suggests you don’t interview corporations (for academic purposes) on your own.


Corporate Crime Critiques – Should Regulators and Investigators be Prosecutors? Part 2

Should the agency investigating crime also prosecute it? This question has been answered differently by different states and territories in Australia. Part 2 offers some answers to the questions set out in Part 1, focussing on corporate crime prosecution.


Corporate Crime Critiques – Should Regulators and Investigators be Prosecutors? Part 1

Should the agency investigating crime also prosecute it? This question has been answered differently by different states and territories in Australia. Part 1 sets out the history, the arguments and relevant questions.


Corporate Crime 101 – Prosecutors, Regulators and Informants in Australia

A criminal prosecution is commenced when a person (“the informant”) files a criminal charge in the state or territory’s Magistrates’ Court (or equivalent).  But who will the informant be?